Sunday, October 11, 2009

Words can't even explain it

Where to begin?? Carbohydrates was the theme of the week. I paid extra attention to make sure that I got a fair serving of some carbs for lunch and dinner the entire week. On Thursday Laura and I went to pick up our kits and discovered that they put your name on the back of them. From running in the past, I have found it is nice to have a name so that bystanders can cheer for anyone. Makes you feel extra special too. We woke up early on Saturday as we were planning on a 10 p.m. bedtime. I met Laura at the Marathon Expo so we could be first in line for the free massages. I got a few of the knots worked out of my shoulders and then it was off to barrio chino for a carb-filled lunch with the boys. Fede left to play soccer, but called me twice within an hour to find out exactly where I was. This was after he knew what my plan was. I couldn't figure out what he was up to, but knew I needed to be home so I assumed he had ordered a flower delivery or something. Boy was I wrong! I hung up the phone with him as I entered the elevator of my building only to exit the elevator to find my Dad standing at my doorstep. WHAT A SURPRISE!! I couldn't believe it! He and I went to dinner that night for more carbs (bet you didn't guess that) only to get caught in the middle of a rainstorm. The past week I had been checking the forecast repetitively only to see a picture of a rain cloud. The rain continued throughout the night, but when I woke up at 5:50 the next morning the raindrops were gone. As the sun wasn't up yet I couldn't check the sky, but it was 60°F so not bad at all. I rapidly got dressed, got Fede moving and we were off to pick up my Dad.

We found a place to park and started walking towards the starting line. I spoke with Martin and Laura several times, but we were unable to find each other amongst the thousands there. I put my number and chip on while Dad pinned the picture of Grandma on my back. One last trip to the bathroom and the countdown was on the loudspeaker. I gave a quick hug to both of my followers and squeezed through the fence to join the crowd on the starting line. Slowly the mob moved forward until we were feet in front of the line and we began our jog.

The first several miles were a blur. There was excitement from so many: runners, bystanders, helpers and anyone else that happened to be nearby. People talked as the passed you or as you passed them. A few asked me who was on my back and I gladly told them. Within about 30 minutes of running, it started to rain lightly. You know you are running with other crazy people when everyone starts to cheer loudly the minute rain hits their heads. It was a refreshing feeling as humidity was causing us to sweat like crazy anyway. We passed the Casa Rosada (their White House) and had tango dancers there to cheer us on. Shortly there after I was elbowed by a woman, which caused my watch to stop. As I hadn't noticed for a few minutes and I wasn't sure exactly when it stopped I lost all track I had of my pace. My initial thought was that the cheap watch I bought had died in the rain, but thankfully it still had life in it. I was getting ready to get to 14K as that was the first pitstop for Dad and Fede. I passed it and continued for the next few kilometers with no sign of them. I figured they had gotten stuck on cut off street or hadn't calculated for my speedy pace as I was going faster than I had planned. Either way, I knew they'd catch up with me in the end. I saw them as I rounded the corner coming out of Boca. Dad was ready with the camera and Fede had a banana in one hand and gel in the other. He ran a few steps with me and asked how I was before I continued on my way. The halfway point was feet away. I crossed that and was able to reset my watch to know I was still ahead of schedule. I was getting hungry so I grabbed a few oranges and sucked their juice to see if that would help. If nothing else, it confused my mind for a bit. I ran into my fans again at 28K and grabbed another gel off Fede. As I wasn't quite ready for it I stuck it in my pants and continued forward. The hunger was setting in after that as the gels give me energy, but don't fill my stomach. So at 30K I grabbed a banana and water. Ever tried eating half a banana while running? It's much more difficult than I would have thought. I tried to balance between water and adding more banana and finally got it down. Followed it quickly with my gel pack. I was set. A few more steps down the road I burped loudly after ingesting so much on the run and it worked out for the best. It allowed me to make friends. I found my running buddy, Ivan, that would help me to get to the finish line. We talked a little, but mostly just used each other for the pace. It was his first marathon as well so we were both just wanting to cross the finish line. I passed the fan club one last time around 35K to give another smile and continue on my way. The sun came out and it became a beautiful day. The last 10K seemed to take forever. I kept looking and looking for the next marker, but they seemed to be coming much slower than before even though I was going at the same pace. I could see where the course was going and kept wondering how many more turns I had before I got there. I also teared up a few times just thinking that I was almost there, but refused to cry as I knew that meant my breathing would cease as I knew it. I then turned the corner on 40K to see Meghan and Danny walking up the course. I waved at them and moved little by little closer to the line. I crossed 41K and the crowd grew with every step. A few more steps and the arch "Llegada" was in sight. My running buddy and I picked up the pace and crossed the finish line sprinting. After 4 hours and 16 minutes, I had finished my first marathon. An amazing experience and a feeling that I don't want to go away. I know that I trained hard for 4 months and it all came down to a 4 hour mind-over-matter battle. The minute you cross that line you know that it's all been worth it and you can get past anything if you put your mind to it.

I met up with Dad, Fede, Laura, Martin, Meghan and Danny at the end and tried to explain it. My legs were very wobbly and my joints felt like I had suddenly turned 70, but it was so worth it.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Last day of training

Ready or not, it's almost here. The day is getting closer and closer. Tomorrow we get to pick up our shirts and kits and it's another step to the starting line. I went out for my 3 miles and kept imagining what it's going to be like. I wonder as I haven't run long mileage in so long if I'm really ready. I wonder if speed will be an issue. I wonder if I'll hit the wall. I wonder where I should strategically place Fede to get my gel and banana if necessary. I wonder what it'll feel like to cross the line. It's all over now so I hope it all pays off.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Getting it on the books

As I had run yesterday I knew that I wasn't going to be running my hardest today. More than anything it's my final week of training so there's no skipping, especially when it's a short one like 3 miles. It turned out that I ran it in a total of 31 minutes, a record slow time for me. Yet I took it for what is was as I just needed the mileage and nothing more. One more day of training and then the home stretch...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

This time next week...

Today was the last of my runs of any real distance. I woke up to a text from Laura saying, "In 7 days' time..." It's so hard to believe that it's almost here. I want it to arrive and before I know it I'll be at the starting line. So I set out on my 8 miles on the course that used to be my regular Wednesday run. It was a beautiful day and everyone was out enjoying it. The amount of parked cars near the parks was amazing...and then I saw the amount of people in the parks. I have never seen that many people there. People were out roller skating, biking, walking or just having a picnic in near the lake. And lucky me got to weave in and out of the people. It felt like a true obstacle course as I was dodging people that looked like they were ready to fall and others that were oblivious to those around them. I finished my 2 laps and headed home. Finished at another great pace, 8:49 min/mile. Looks like my legs are getting fresher by the day and are ready for this.

I also had a suicide fly go directly into my eye. Luckily it was easy to get out, but it's quite an interesting feeling having it slam into the corner of your eye.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Lively laps

I passed up my scheduled Thursday run so I could have lemon pie with friends. A good decision in my opinion. But that meant I needed to get my 3 miles in on Friday instead. As I normally go to yoga I thought I would do them both. So I popped into the studio to change quickly before doing 4 laps around the park in front. I knew I had a little less than 30 minutes, but I assumed I would be able to get in under that. As I turns out, I was going super fast and did it in 25 minutes, which rounded off to about a 8:30 min/mile. I even passed my yoga professor on her way to class. She later told me I needed to do it the other way around so I can give it my all in the yoga class, but she obviously doesn't see where my priorities are. :)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Against the wind

I had 5 on the schedule and was ready to get back out and see if those weights were gone. Thankfully I didn't feel like I was moving backwards, but there was a wind that came out of nowhere. As I turned around the lake there was one side that forced me to put my head down and push forward. The same thing happened as I turned the last corner to head up the incline home. It was like a slap in the face as I was trying to give it my all. I finished and couldn't complain about my time so the wind became just another one of the many obstacles to get me thinking about anything other than my running.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Did someone put weights in my shoes?

On the first of my shortest run in ages, I was thrilled to have only 3 miles. That meant I would be out and back before I knew it. There was only one thing stopping me, the weights that someone put in my shoes. Oh, I wish I had that excuse. I ran at almost the pace that I plan to run for the marathon, which is slow in my books for the distance I went. Maybe my body is just preparing itself for that pace? Highly unlikely, but I'll test it out again on Wednesday. Hopefully it was just an off day.